If you search for setting up an email server on Google, you’ll find thousands of hits. Few of these actually tell you how to setup your local server to send and receive email directly, instead you’ll find an abundance of guides on how to relay Postfix and Exim. Of course this presents quite a problem if what you want to is read a guide on setting up email to be sent from your server. I bring up this example specifically because that’s what I spent the past three day weekend trying to do - muddle out how to setup an...
First off, welcome to my new site. Notice the new in that first sentence. As of yesterday, my site reached its tenth day of existence. And had its first vulnerability scan. Currently, my site has yet to show up as a Google search result, but yesterday I found a hit on my log file which turned out to be a vulnerability scanner, called “Morfeus f**king Scanner” (not at all suspicious is it?). My point here is that being on the Internet is inherently risky. This scan came from Virginia, and given what I know about automated scans, I would suspect...